[announcement] Promo | budget for 2024 events

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at kde.org
Wed Jan 10 13:57:09 GMT 2024

Dear Community,

KDE works within a well-defined budget. This is important: it gives 
focus to KDE's work and helps us define what we want to achieve while 
factoring in long-term goals. [0]

I am writing now on behalf of the Promo team to let you know about their 
team's budget for events this year, which is as follows:

  - FLOSS events (FOSDEM, FOSSAsia, Linux Tags, etc.): 3000€
  - Non-FLOSS events (STN, events for educators, artists, etc.): 3000€
  - Reserve funds for events we had not anticipated, but are too 
interesting too miss: 2000€

As 2024 kicks off and the Plasma 6 mega-release looms large, we will all 
start planning to attend events in order to promote the KDE community's 
achievements. In order to provide some guidance, Promo will send a list 
of prominent events soon which they think can reasonably be funded 
within the given budget.

== Now What? ==

Do you promote KDE's work by tending booths and giving talks? What does 
this budget mean for you?

If you want to represent KDE at an event, Promo is here to support you. 
To give clear direction to your work, Promo has provided a list of 
guidelines in the attached markdown file "2024_Events_Budget.md" (see 
'00_Budgets' directory in Collaborate for the most up-to-date version of 
the guidelines). These guidelines are to be referenced /before/, 
/during/, and /after/ an event. They will make sure the 2024 budget is 
being used most efficiently and effectively. Here is an example with 
sample goals for FOSDEM in February:


Events that do not have a clear promotional value will unfortunately not 
be funded from Promo's annual budget. Keep in mind: This does not mean 
you cannot attend an event and get funded! Many events are still worth 
going to even if they do not have promotional value. Your way forward in 
a case like this would be to negotiate travelling, accommodation, and 
other expenses with some other team, maybe with the Board itself. See 
here for general KDE reimbursements page:


No matter how you fund your travel, you can still rely on Promo to 
provide free stuff to take with you when available, such as stickers, or 
banners, and we will happily advise you on how to proceed.

== Contact ==

To contact the Promo team, you can join the Matrix room for public 


For private chat you can reach Paul or Aniqa either using email (both 
are in CC to this announcement) or Matrix:

- Paul: @bro666:kde.org
- Aniqa: @aniqakhokhar:kde.org

There are many big events coming up for our community and I am looking 
forward to a very successful 2024 for KDE!


[0] 2022 KDE e.V. COMMUNITY REPORT (see "Financial Working Group" for 
KDE's Income and Expenses in 2022): https://ev.kde.org/reports/ev-2022/

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
KDE Internal Communications & KDE Eco Community Manager
OpenPGP: 8FC5 4178 DC44 AD55 08E7 DF57 453E 5746 59A6 C06F
Matrix: @joseph:kde.org

Generally available Monday-Thursday from 10-16h CET/CEST. Outside of 
these times it may take a little longer for me to respond.

KDE Eco: Building Energy-Efficient Free Software!
Website: https://eco.kde.org
Mastodon: @be4foss at floss.social
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