What are the Promo contractors up to? Weeks 51 & 52 2023

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Tue Jan 9 12:49:04 GMT 2024

Hello All, 

A bit late this time, but you know: winter holidays are a bit chaotic. 

Before we get into it, please note we are full tilt in the organisation of 
KDE's booth at FOSDEM. If you are going to this event and would like to help, 
please check out the task:


On with the Promo highlights for weeks 51 and 52, the last two working weeks 
of 2023.


### Things done

* Started KDE Network Nepal
* Promoted Brodie's interview with Kye Potter about the KDE Network
* Collected data for Quarterly Newsletter and Advisory Board meetings.
* Promoted CfP of conf.KDE.in
* Promoted KDE activities in 37c3
* Having reached first goal, prepared supporting member campaign website for 
stretch goals
* Promoted supporting member campaign and reached and passed second goal (550 
* Continued working local journalists for promotion of CACD's computer lab
* Re-wrote intro, edited text for announcement for Plasma 6 Beta 2
* Promoted release of Beta 2 to encourgae testing a bug reporting
* Started test driving Plasma 6 and compiling screenshots/casts and first hand 
accounts for announcement
* Prepared all spreadsheets for collecting data for the new year

### Things to do

* Research ways of semi-automatically creating screenshots of software while 
it is being tested (<https://invent.kde.org/teams/automation/issues/-/issues/
* Start to work on Annual Report 2023
* Merchandise and Budget for FOSDEM 2024.
* Support in organizing conf.KDE.in
* Finalizing collaboration with startpage
* Preparing Quarterly Newsletter and presentation for Advisory Board meetings.
* Promote KDE Network Nepal and start KDE Network in the UK

### Ongoing projects and periodic tasks

* Finding and solving mistakes in websites and wikis
* Moderating social media
* Weekly data collection on followers from Twitter, Mastodon and Instagram.
* Daily data collection from mentions of KDE, Kdenlive, Krita, etc., from 
media across the web.
* Uploading and publishing Akademy2023 talks to YouTube and PeerTube and 
promoting it on Social Media.
* Writing content for Akademy's website

### Discussion points

* Work with sysadmin to see if we can find a reasonable way of creating an 
online Plasma 6 desktop for people to play with

Unless someone can come up with something out-of-the-box quick, the last point 
will sone be moot, as we won't have time to implement and promote it with 
before the Plasma 6 release. If you have suggestions and know how we can get 
it done, please let us know.


Aniqa and Paul
Promotion & Communication

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