Albert being rude in Okular merge requests

Nate Graham nate at
Tue Dec 19 15:44:22 GMT 2023

Hello everyone,

It appears I sent this email intended for the Community Working Group to 
the public community email list instead. Autocomplete failed me and I 
failed to detect the error before hitting Send. My apologies in advance 
for the drama this is unfortunately likely to create. I would appreciate 
if everyone could pretend they never saw this email, or at least, avoid 
starting email threads discussing it. :)

Sorry everyone, and sorry especially to Albert, who definitely does not 
deserve for dirty laundry to be aired in public like this. It was my 
mistake and I take full responsibility. I'll buy to a beer at the next 
Akademy. Or a cake, your choice. :)


On 12/19/23 08:32, Nate Graham wrote:
> Hello CWG,
> Albert Astals Cid has been acting rudely in Okular merge requests 
> recently and insulting the work of longtime contributors who deserve 
> respect. For example:
> -
> -
> In the latter one, Albert has succeeded in causing Ingo Klöcker 
> sufficient stress that he's ceased the work, which disrupts activities 
> directed and funded by KDE e.V. (Ingo is a paid KDE e.V. contractor who 
> we are sponsoring to do this).
> This kind of behavior is unacceptable and it needs to come to an 
> end--not just this time, not just now, but going forward. For years 
> Albert has gotten away with this kind of casual abrasiveness, and it's 
> not acceptable. We can't let this be a "the situation resolved itself" 
> kind of thing.
> Nate

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