planet forwarding to discuss?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Wed Jun 21 19:11:50 BST 2023

Am Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023, 15:02:31 CEST schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> The downside is splitting where discussion happens but it's not a big ask
> to expect KDE devs to visit Discuss at times.

Am Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023, 18:53:56 CEST schrieb Nate Graham:
> probably nobody is actually expecting you or anyone else to participate 

Now what... ? Everything is true and false at the same time? :)

> It seems like the people who have expressed negativity or apprehension
> about the idea so far admit they don't use And that's
> fine. But my recommendation for those folks (yourself included) would be
> to just continue ignoring it, because that's 100% okay and

I fear the point did not made it across:

if all planet blog posts would get a discussion thread on, 
there is chance comments intended to catch the attention of the author or 
other blog readers (at a later point) will fail to reach the audience.
That is a change to now. One cannot ignore that.
If considered "apprehension", why not respect that sentiment and act on it, 
instead of what comes across as dismissing?

Please try to have the open mind to solve this e.g. by a flag to the planet 
blog registration metadata, if people would like to participate in that 
undertaking and have automatically also a discussion thread on a post.
Or an opt-out if you think everyone by default should think this is an awesome 
thing to have.

To state it explicitly:
I am fine with and also curious (for reasons stated) to see if it works out 
for those who are interested. No objections (would be strange also) to have 
your and others' blog posts announced with discussion-enabled on
But myself I do not spend time on discussion on, also not 
reddit, twitter, *whatever* . And will not, given other things in life to do. 
So I am not happy to be "expected" to either have to use (as 
stated by at least one) or to miss out some comments to me or other blog post 

Let's have solutions that work for everyone. That's also why people asked 
about this instead of just implementing something, right?


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