Welcoming Nicolas Fella, KDE e.V.'s new Software Platform Engineer

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Tue Feb 14 17:07:32 GMT 2023

Hi everyone,
During Akademy 2021, we discussed different positions for "Make a
Living in KDE". Today we are announcing the second of the 3 positions
described there. Everyone, please welcome Nicolas Fella (CC) will be
taking on the role of Software Platform Engineer.

Many of you will know Nico already for his work across our software
stack. For this contracting position, he will be working with us to
help make sure our software infrastructure is a happy place. Given our
current state there will be a lot of work related to porting to Qt 6,
but we expect it to extend this work into ensuring our offering is a
great basis to build your products on (be it apps, hardware, distros,

I know it's going to be tempting, but please remember to see this as
help rather than "oh great, Nico is going to fix X that I care about"
because this is hardly going to be the case, as Nico is one and our
codebase is vast.

Aleix Pol, KDE e.V. President

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