Drupal sites within KDE

Phu Hung Nguyen phu.nguyen at kdemail.net
Mon Aug 15 15:05:11 BST 2022


> That leaves Skrooge.org and BehindKDE.org to convert to Hugo and
> blogs.kde.org to convert to Wordpress still.
> Dot and Akademy are still to be resolved.

Thank you Ben for working on this move away from Drupal. It is very much 
in the same direction with my plan to use Hugo for many KDE websites, 
since I find it the right one for them. I have read all the emails in 
this thread but don't see a discussion that Blogs is to be converted to 
Wordpress. Is it something we have all agreed on, or can we still talk 
more about it?

Personally I think all Blogs, Dot, and Akademy sites can be ported to 
Hugo, it just takes some time I suppose. Please correct me if I'm wrong, 
but there's no user interaction on these sites, we only usually write a 
new post or update some content, which is basically editing some 
Markdown files, and users only read the posts without commenting 
functionality [1] (as I can gather from reading the thread), so what we 
are in need of if we go the Hugo way is just to make it easier for 
writers to work on our Markdown content files. And as Carl pointed out, 
Netlify CMS exists.
> Paul, if you could please take a moment to take a look at a Netlify CMS
> demo so we can assess it for deployment suitability for dot.kde.org that
> would be awesome.

This morning I have set up Netlify CMS for my personal site as a test. 
The editor UI looks like this: https://imgur.com/eKPkJJ2

Fields on the left panel can be configured. The right panel is a preview 
of those fields. Each time we publish something, one commit will be made 
to the repo, we can configure to which branch. Authorization is handled 
by GitLab, anyone with push access can edit and publish.

To set up the CMS for a site, we need to set up authentication in our 
Invent and then add a 'static/admin' folder (then we can access the CMS 
via, e.g. the URL kde.org/admin if the site is kde.org) with two files:

- An index.html file to include a script that powers the CMS;

- A config file for the CMS.

Redeploy the site and then we can access the CMS.

With this I really hope our writers can work more efficiently with Hugo 
sites and we can be more confident in porting Blogs, Dot, and Akademy 
sites to Hugo.
> Thanks,
> Ben


[1] this is not to say that a Hugo site cannot have comments. It can, 
but it seems that we don't need that functionality now.

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