25th Anniversary of KDE-Testimonials

Aniqa Khokhar aniqa.khokhar at kde.org
Wed Sep 8 10:06:22 BST 2021

Hello Community,
As we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of KDE, we would like you to share a testimonial about “What KDE means to you”. It can be either text or video.
If it is a video then please make sure that:

  *   It is filmed at a landmark.
  *   No selfies if all possible - horizontal filming (ask a friend to film or set up a tripod).
  *   Messages preferably in English.
  *   Mention your names.
You can drop your text files or videos via this link<https://collaborate.kde.org/s/WadtbMqBqbDdNBq> (https://collaborate.kde.org/s/WadtbMqBqbDdNBq).
Thank you

Aniqa Khokhar
(Pronouns: she/her)

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