RMS and open letter

Sune Vuorela nospam at vuorela.dk
Thu Mar 25 07:10:47 GMT 2021

On 2021-03-24, Jos van den Oever <jos at vandenoever.info> wrote:
> The GitHub organization that initiated the letter is anonymous:
>    https://github.com/rms-open-letter

It might be anonymous in the organization, but the people behind it is
our friends at OSI, our friends in Gnome and our friends in Debian and
some others. It is the first group of people in the actual letter.

And during the last 24 hours, organizations like Gnome Foundation,
Mozilla, Tor Project and X.Org foundation has also signed it as

The wording might not be perfect, and the execution also not perfect,
but it still conveys the important thing:

When our idols and leaders fail us, we should stop idolizing them and
let them lead us.

And the path to redemption is not staying low for a year or two hoping
we forget what has happened.


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