RMS and open letter

Jos van den Oever jos at vandenoever.info
Tue Mar 23 20:27:00 GMT 2021

Hi Carl,

Does a free internet mean that people should be mobbed for their past 
opinions? On proprietary Microsoft infrastructure no less.

In KDE, there is CWG of which we can be proud that deals with situations like 
this with respect for the people on all sides of a situation.

Society is developing more awareness of differences between people and new 
rules of engagements are coming and going. As humans we muddle on. A quote 
from Hacker News is fitting:

"I think it is strange that, on the one hand, the tech world has been 
advocating for the rights of neurodivergent people – society should accept 
that people on the autism spectrum are different and that’s OK. But at the 
same time RMS has been attacked for some statements very probably stemming 
from his autism that, while they may seem a bit shocking and at odds with the 
mainstream, were not illegal or intentionally offensive."

How can you write "RMS has always been a negative force to the Free Software 
movement due to his toxic behavior." when he is the one that started Free 
Software? We have Free Software because RMS thought hard about what digital 
freedom means and how we can make it a reality.

Is it sensible of FSF to reinstate Stallman? I've no idea. But I do know that 
we should not damage the FSF but support them. FSF are the stewards of the 
software licenses on which KDE is built.


On dinsdag 23 maart 2021 20:49:36 CET Carl Schwan wrote:
> Hello all,
> like you probably heard already RMS was reinstatement to the
> Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation. RMS has
> always been a negative force to the Free Software movement due
> to his toxic behavior. There is an open letter asking for his
> and the current board FSF resignation available at
> https://rms-open-letter.github.io/.
> It was already signed by many other Free Software contributors
> from many organizations (GNOME, OSI, Apache, ...) and it would be
> a good idea for some us to sign it too.
> This can be done by either sending a email digitalautonomy at riseup.net
> or by submitting a pull request at
> https://github.com/rms-open-letter/rms-open-letter.github.io/pulls.
> Regards,
> Carl Schwan
> https://carlschwan.eu

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