Telemetry questions

Christophe Giboudeaux christophe at
Sun Nov 8 16:30:11 GMT 2020


Our users have read a couple reddit threads or worse, a website used to spread 
<censored> stuff about kuserfeedback.

Pointing them to the telemetry policy will probably not be reassuring as I 
also can't find answers to a couple questions:

- The telemetry policy says: « applications honor system-wide telemetry 
settings where they exist (global "kill switch") »

Is it documented? How can a system administrator prevent users from turning 
telemetry on?

- The policy also says « KDE only releases products capable of acquiring 
telemetry data if compliance with these rules has been established by a public 
review on [kde-core-devel|kde-community] from at least two reviewers. 

My archives may be incomplete but I can't find the reviews for plasma, KMail, 
akregator, SieveEditor, kaddressbook, korganizer and ruqola which are listed 

Where are these?


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