BoF Notes: How Python can help KDE Development?

Adriaan de Groot groot at
Sun Sep 13 11:13:48 BST 2020

On 2020 setula d. 12id 23:02:27 CEST Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Samstag, 12. September 2020 16:13:29 CEST Cristián Maureira-Fredes wrote:
> > * Kross
> > 
> >   - Since it's based on QtScript, there might an option to evaluate of
> >    Python can replace it, since QtScript
> >     was deprecated.

Kross also has some Python2 stuff in it, and I understood that Kross is 
unlikely to make it to KF6 (perhaps due to QtScript being deprecated), so 
there's multiple reasons not to invest in that.

> >   - A similar project on this topic is PythonQt [3]
> > 
> > [3]
> I have worked many years with the maintainer of PythonQt (Florian Link,
> awesome developer and person) and have made extensive use of PythonQt for
> scripting MeVisLab (a Qt-based application framework for medical imaging
> applications).

That's interesting: PythonQt was also used by Calamares (Calamares also uses 
Boost::Python, so offering two ways to embed Python into the C++ application). 
PythonQt support is deprecated and will be removed, for two reasons:

1 - nobody was actually using the Qt / UI parts of it to do UI scripting in 
Calamares, so the extra API and dependency was not useful, and
2 - PythonQt is packaged inconsistently and/or weirdly by Linux distro's, 
which makes it hard to depend upon.

That might be a chicken / egg situation though: if it's not packaged, people 
won't use it either. I see that Calamares still refers to a SourceForge home 
for it -- that's an indication of how old and unmaintained that part of the 
Calamares code is. However, after chasing a few redirects, I end up on GitHub, 
with no tags, no releases and no indication of anything newer than Qt 5.12 in 
that repo. (And it uses QtScript, it seems, although an own-copy)

Perhaps that project needs some extra help with documentation and 

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