New planet KDE

Carl Schwan carl at
Sun Mar 15 19:57:35 GMT 2020

I didn't though about this use case, but it makes completely sence.

It shouldn't be difficult to implement a view with all the the languages displayed and then add some handling with javascript and cookies to create a language selector similar to the old planet.

I will try to implement this as soon as possible, probably next week.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Le jeudi, mars 12, 2020 6:05 PM, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at> a écrit :

> El dijous, 12 de març de 2020, a les 15:19:26 CET, Carl Schwan va escriure:

> > Hello everyone,
> > A new version of is now available. From a technical point of view,
> > this is a migration form the rawdog planet agregator to the pluto engine and also
> > reuse the Jekyll theme used in various other KDE website.
> > The new Planet offers a bigger selection of language and more languages can be easily
> > added if needed. Each language also has a specific atom.xml feed: e.g.
> >, so it's possible to follow only post in one
> > specific language.

> Not being able to see multiple languages at the same time (on the webpage, i don't care for RSS) is a severe regression for me, any chance that can be fixed?

> Cheers,
> Albert

> > Another improvement of the new version is that it's easier to read on a mobile
> > phone, since the videos and iframes shouldn't get larger than the screen width anymore.
> > A huge thanks for Ben for his help in deploying the new website and to Stasiek Michalski
> > for his work on and helping me adapting his work for KDE.
> > The repository is now available in invent:
> > with updated instructions how to add your feed to the Planet and how to setup
> > a developement environment.
> > Regards,
> > Carl
> > PS: There are still tons of blog not using https. It's very easy to setup let's encrypt
> > nowadays for free, so I really recommand you to spend the 10 minutes to set it up and
> > then update your feed url in the planet configuration.

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