KDE should rather act then just "strike" (Re: Should KDE join the (Digital) Global Climate Strike this friday?)

Laszlo Papp lpapp at kde.org
Thu Sep 19 13:45:16 BST 2019

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 12:52 PM Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at kde.org>

> Am Mittwoch, 18. September 2019, 18:01:18 CEST schrieb cahfofpai at tuta.io:
> > Hello to all members of the KDE community,
> >
> > this friday (september the 20th) will be a big day in climate protests
> and
> > hopefully also in human history: People in more than 3500 places
> worldwide
> > are joining the Global Climate Strike to draw attention to the rising
> > climate crisis.
> >
> > The question I want to ask you is: Should KDE join this protests and show
> > solidarity with the people engaging for this very important topic?
> If KDE (as organization) found this topic important, it should rather have
> it
> on its agenda every day, instead of just signaling one day the year "oh
> yes,
> so important topic, we also agree someone(tm) should fix this!!1!" , and
> the
> rest of the year continue using flights also for KDE activities ("it's
> quicker
> & less expensive, sorry") or buy that new device because it is more
> powerful
> ("I could not stand the old one, sorry").
> I would find it ridiculous and would be embarrassed to see someone doing
> this
> in my name (as active contributor to KDE software projects), when it's not
> backed by official applied policies. You are actually harming the strike,
> and
> shadowing those people who are not just signaling, but serious by what
> they
> do.
> Act first, then demand acts from others, please. And yes, I am aware there
> are
> individuals here who privately act with environment in mind (he, I would
> consider myself one). But as organisation KDE does not really care
> currently.
> So it should not pretend it does.
> Like, are KDE's products evaluated in hindsight of their impact on
> environment, other than side-effect of economically importance to be short
> on
> need of device resources?
> Is e.V. travel support making sure people tried hard to pick the most
> environment-neutral traffic way (where possible to tell), instead of just
> looking at money?
> And do KDE make sure its servers are run on environment-neutral resources?
> If not, shutting them down on strike would be an act indeed, there I agree
> ;)
> Cheers
> Friedrich

Yeah, completely agree with you.

Striking is nice, but the real thing is what happens when they go home from
the strike. Do they wake up the next day as mission completed or do they
actually live their lives like that every single day and minutes as you
say? Is it exemplary if not or showing bad example in this category? Is it
just an impulse for them or lifestyle?

Also, reading both threads about strike and FSFE (I do not think our board
is diversified enough), I feel that KDE wants to be more extrovert than
introvert. I think, instead of telling others what to do, KDE ought to
focus what *KDE* should do.
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