vote invitation sent out for goal voting

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at
Fri Aug 23 08:13:11 BST 2019


> Sorry, these all are... Irrelevant, incomprehensible, ineligible or inconsiderable.

Care to explain why you think that is?

> Besides, the previous set of goals has not been achieved by a country mile.

Ignoring the fact that this isn't a SI unit, this is just not true. For 
instance, our tooling and documentation has been improved a lot as a 
result of the streamlined. Before, when a new person joined the channel 
asking for help on a problem or what they could do to fix something, you 
had to talk them through git and cmake and everything manually. Now you 
can just send them a link which has all the information they need.

Sure, we might not have achieved world domination, but claiming that the 
goals weren't achieved at all does a disservice to all the fine folks 
involved in the process.

Kai Uwe

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