Licensing policy change proposal

Krešimir Čohar kcohar at
Mon Jan 28 13:30:52 GMT 2019

I know... I agree they should have done a better job with the wording, but
I think we can get them to be more specific about it. And no, we wouldn't
be violating their license in any circumstance so I think they'd be OK with
granting CC-0 in these select cases.

P.S. Debian just ditches all our wallpapers and our sddm theme and puts in
its own. And thanks for the suggestion - I agree that we should bring in
someone that speaks legalese on this, they'll know how to proceed.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 2:25 PM Adriaan de Groot <groot at> wrote:

> On Monday, 28 January 2019 13:23:36 CET Krešimir Čohar wrote:
> > Why not? As far as Unsplash goes, their only restriction is not to start
> a
> > competing service, which is not even remotely what we are trying to do.
> > Surely that is a reasonable and acceptable restriction. It's not unlike
> the
> > copyleft restrictions ("freedoms") of the GPL.
> Here's the thing: we ship Free Software. More-or-less-equivalently, we
> ship
> things licensed under an Open Source license. And *that* in turn basically
> means "is it OSI listed".
> That's a short-and-bureaucratic kind of answer, which I don't particularly
> like.
> A related thing: if we ship something, and *downstream* doesn't like it,
> then
> either they patch it out, or they don't ship our stuff. It's important to
> ask
> downstreams specifically what they think, when we're re-shipping something
> from
> upstream under an unexpected license. Debian is one of the most particular
> of
> our downstreams, so we'd definitely want to check with them.
> A related thing: FOSDEM is this weekend, when we have the KDE licensing
> people, Debian, and a room full of lawyers all in one place (-ish). That's
> probably a good moment to inquire.
> [ade]
> PS. The license seems a bit inconsistent to me: first it grants a very
> broad
> license and then carves out a specific exception (field of endeavour). It
> would
> be more tidy if it started with "EXCEPT AS LISTED BELOW (field of
> endeavour),
> Unsplash grants you ..". It may be feasible to get a specific (i.e. CC-0)
> license applied by Unsplash to these specific (how many, six?) photos,
> since
> it's unlikely that you can start a competing service with just six photos.
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