pseudonymous contributions to KDE

Irina Rempt irina at
Wed Sep 19 12:29:37 BST 2018

On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 13:23:12 CEST Jonathan Riddell wrote:

> This question has two parts, code contributions and FLA.  Code
> contributions are public and we could easily allow psudonames there
> but not for FLA which is just a bit of paper in a filing cabinet
> somewhere.  This would allow for privacy and German court happyness.

Would the FLA require *legal* names? I'm probably not the only person who uses 
in daily life a name that isn't clearly a pseudonym (= looks like a name 
rather than a handle, and is in fact a "real" name) but isn't the official 
wallet name either. I know that if I had to sign something with my wallet name 
I'd probably bow out -- not only is it something that nobody except officialdom 
knows me by, but I also don't want to "out" it to the community.


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