Input on privacy goal

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Fri Jan 19 13:49:58 GMT 2018

Hi all,

I'd like to collect some more input from the wider KDE community about our 
privacy goal for the next years. If you're unsure what I'm talking about, 
please have a look at

Specifically, I'm collecting input on the following questions / topics:

* What are your plans, plans within your subproject regarding privacy?
* What are, in your opinions the greatest challenges for KDE, within your 
  subproject or in general?
* How do you think we can get closer to our goal?
* Where do you think we stand currently?
* Anything else?

I know, I'm vague and this is a rather open question. I'm after a bigger 
picture and overview of what's going on in the community, knowing what's going 
on and what should be, and more buy-in from community members towards specific 

Thanks for your input already!
sebas |

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