Participation of KDE in GCI 2018

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Mon Oct 23 21:17:15 BST 2017

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 1:04 AM, Bhushan Shah <bhush94 at> wrote:
> Hey Vijay,
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 01:42:31AM +0530, vijay krishnavanshi wrote:
>> My opinion is that we should participate. Thoughts?
> My personal opinion about GCI this year is we should take a rest this
> year, this is due to two reasons,
> 1) Changed timelines of GSoC, we need to prepare and submit GSoC
> application much more early (even if after GCI ends, we don't have much
> of time in between0
> 2) Currently we need ~25 tasks for org applications but for the
> competition itself we need to have more like 50 unique and ~100 of total
> tasks IIRC at everytime, this is stressful task for both mentors and
> org-admins.. (I know people have promised to put tasks, and I trust
> them, but based on previous year's experience, often this effort is not
> enough to meet numbers, not blaming anyone).
> So yeah, my idea is, take a break this year, and use this time to
> document the junior jobs for next upcoming GCI and also others who want
> to work on KDE stuff out of this programs.
> (Also, just to be clear, I am not blocking anyone from participating.. I
> will be happy to help and mentor ( pun intended :P) willing org-admin..
> Thanks!

Given the fact that nobody has stepped up as lead admin on this, and
that the deadline for submitting is tomorrow, I think it is clear that
we will not participate this year.

I do want us to think about having a Season of KDE though. We have
lots of successful GSoC students who could co-mentor in a low-stress
environment, perhaps with one of their own mentors. Again, I am
willing to help administer, but not take the lead.

If you think this is a good idea and are willing to lead, let's talk
about this in the kde-soc-management mail list, and get a timeline and
rules hammered out.



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