radical proposal: move IRC to Rocket.Chat

Jonathan Frederickson silverskullpsu at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 01:05:16 BST 2017

On 08/08/2017 05:57 PM, Eike Hein wrote:
> But what I don't want us to do is abandon IRC without retaining
> what made IRC successful and good. Some of these things areed
> technical points that form our most basic requirements:
> - Free
> - Protocol spec
> - Self-hostable
> - Federated
> - Multi-identity
> - Anonymous
> - Encryptable

Matrix has all of these, with the exception of perhaps "Multi-identity"
and "Anonymous." (But it's HTTP, so you can tunnel it over Tor, there's
no real name requirement as it's an open federated protocol, and you can
create multiple accounts and use them for different purposes if you want.)

> There are some chat systems that allow for both, e.g.
> Discord. Discord heavily fails all of our technical base-
> line reqs, but its three-level namespacing (global name-
> space for user identities, "servers", and channels on them
> which you see in an easy list) means you can easily have
> your permanent channels along with potentially task force
> ones that can't hide.

A Discord-like "server" system is coming very soon in Matrix, which will
give you effectively that - a list of rooms belonging to a specific
organization. As it stands now, its UI (in Riot, the official client) is
somewhere in between IRC and Telegram. While they're fundamentally the
same thing, there are two ways to create a room in the UI, which roughly
correspond to IRC-style permanent rooms and Telegram-style one-off rooms.

(By the way, I'm not affiliated with the Matrix project at all - I'm an
enthusiastic user, and I've contributed Matrix support to a chatbot, but
that's it!)

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