As Google Code-in ends, time to plan for Google Summer of Code

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Sun Jan 15 21:36:20 GMT 2017

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 6:53 AM, Boudewijn Rempt <boud at> wrote:
> I've started working on a list of ideas, but I wasn't sure where to paste
> them in this page -- or should that be done on another page?
> On Fri, 13 Jan 2017, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
>> I've just finished preparing the new Ideas page for 2017:
>> It is basically the same as every other year, and has no previous
>> ideas on it. If you or your project plan to present a former idea
>> again, click on the 2016 Ideas link, and copy/paste it into the 2017
>> page as soon as possible.
>> Of course, new ideas are welcome as well, as long as there are mentors
>> available. We'll remove ideas with no mentor listed. Please ensure
>> that there is contact information for each mentor.
>> *Please* do no maintain a separate Ideas page which you present to
>> students. We need one central place for Ideas, and rules and
>> guidelines as well.
>> Speaking of guidelines: please read over
>> and see what you think. We've tried to
>> clarify the language and make our general expectations clear, as we
>> think being upfront about our standards is one way to get better
>> proposals and better students.
>> Valorie
> --
> Boudewijn Rempt |,

Please look at the 2016 Ideas page to see how to order things.



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