Cantor development meeting

Filipe Saraiva filipe at
Wed Dec 28 17:26:05 GMT 2016

Hi devs, specially those involved with Cantor community,

I would like to improve the Cantor development process in 2017. I will
do development meetings after each new release to plan the next release.
The idea is to select some important features to be implemented, put
high priority to some bugs and work to resolve them, plan big features
to be developed, discuss standards for backends and extensions
developments. In other words, coordinate the work in the small Cantor
development team to improve our software.

Let's do the first meeting in some Saturday or Sunday in January.
Please, select a date in

I will announce the date of our first meeting in January 2.

Best regards and happy new year!

Filipe Saraiva

Filipe Saraiva
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