[kde-community] KDE Mission - let's do this! : Feedback on survey draft

Thomas Pfeiffer thomas.pfeiffer at kde.org
Mon May 23 09:12:34 BST 2016

On Montag, 23. Mai 2016 07:37:49 CEST Martin Graesslin wrote:
> On Sunday, May 22, 2016 7:29:22 PM CEST Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > > 1.- I believe that mobile/desktop convergence is not an emerging trend
> > > anymore.
> > > 
> > > 2.- We do an innovative and modern desktop. Even if we do a "classical
> > > desktop", we should not state it that way in our mission. The next few
> > > years should be about keeping what is good about the "old concept"
> > > that took us here and evolving it. We are not dealing with cars from
> > > 1920 here. If we have to use quotes in a Mission statement, a document
> > > that should be crystal clear not just to ourselves but the "external
> > > world"...
> > 
> > This is exactly the kind of question why I've set up the survey: I know
> > that some people still care a lot about the "classical desktop" (i.e. a
> > thing that runs on desktop and laptop PCs) whereas for others, desktop
> > and laptop PCs are just one among many device classes and form factors.
> > 
> > Since the Mission should reflect where the majority of the KDE community
> > wants to go, I want to offer people the possibility to clearly state what
> > they care about more. This is why I have both variants in the survey and
> > we
> > can see which gets what score.
> The mission should also not alienate our developer base. If the mission
> states we aim for a classical desktop I would consider that a punch in my
> face. I'm working full time on a desktop, but I don't consider this as a
> "classical" desktop. I consider my work going on a very modern product, not
> something classical.

Good point, "classical" may have been unfortunate wording (interestingly 
enough, the wording did originally come from someone who seems to actually 
care more about Plasma Desktop than other Plasma shells).
Maybe we can just kick that question out of the survey, given that we ask 
about each device class separately anyway.

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