[kde-community] Distribution outreach program: Where do we go from here?

Jos Poortvliet jos at owncloud.com
Sun Feb 14 20:09:22 GMT 2016

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 10:57:18 PM AMT Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> now with neon having been announced, and some members of some distributions 
> fearing that their distribution might become a "second-class citizen" for KDE 
> software due to the less direct communication with KDE, I think that it's more 
> important than ever to publicly reach out to all distros shipping our 
> software.
> This thread has seen some skepticism about some parts of my original idea, but 
> mostly great suggestions for how to proceed.
> I've tried to analyze the brainstorming results and identify what most people 
> contributing to the discussion seemed to agree on. 
> Here is how I'd suggest to proceed:
> - Form a team to organize the Distribution Outreach Program and act as point 
> of contact for the distributions
> - Define what would be the main communication channel (should we just use 
> kde-distro-packagers or do we need a new mailing list, forum or whatever?)
> - Publicly announce (on all channels where we might reach distributions) the 
> program, including how to reach us
> - Collect from our maintainers what a distribution should to provide in order 
> to make their software work best on it (where do we reach everyone?) and 
> publish that (ideally on our wiki once that is editable again)
> This is all I'd do for now. I'd suggest to first see how much simply increasing 
> communication and publishing our requirements will take us. We can decide 
> whether we want/need badges or scripted testing later.
> Does that make sense to you guys?
> And most importantly: Who'd be up for joining the program team?
> Cheers,
> Thomas

On a communication note - I think it would help to emphasize that Neon is, in the end, KDE packages for Ubuntu. That is competition to the Kubuntu team (but, given the history and people involved, that isn't a surprise). But it isn't a full distribution, correct me if I'm wrong, Jonathan...

If that is a decent characterization than people should be as upset about Neon as they are about ownCloud packaging our own software for multiple distributions. Perhaps that's a bad example as, lately, we've been making people upset about that ;-) but in general it shouldn't be a big deal and certainly it isn't in any way like what Mister Lunduke portrayed.
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