[kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Thu Feb 11 21:16:37 GMT 2016

On 11 February 2016 at 22:06, Alexander Neundorf <neundorf at kde.org> wrote:

> so do I understand correctly that in general you would consider projects
> like
> a shell, a compiler and a text-mode editor as potential KDE projects ?

I honestly still find it strange that in this discussion we insist on
drawing a circle defining "what is/can be KDE" (which, once more, is not
what the vision would be supposed to mean) way smaller than what KDE
already is.

Honestly, after all these words, I don't think that this is a "focused"
vision, but more of an "exclusive" one (from the verb "to exclude"). In my
opinion this somehow invalidates the proposal itself, as it will be
inapplicable to already existing, live and vibrant KDE projects.

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