[kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Tue Feb 9 10:41:07 GMT 2016

On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 08:40:07 AM David Edmundson wrote:
> With the unfocussed vision,


One vision focuses on technologies (Qt, GUI, etc.), one on values (Freedom, 
user control, privacy). Both provide focus, just very different ones.

A vision is a goal, a desired result. That's why I think focusing on 
technologies is weak: technology is a means to an end, what we want to achieve 
with our software are the focus point of "Vision 1": Freedom, user control, 

As Martin said very well already: By defining our goals not in terms of 
technology but in terms of values and principles, we don't lose the technology 
aspect, we are still experts in Qt, have awesome libraries, a history unlike 
anyone else, and a community around it.

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