[kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Wed Feb 3 22:28:39 GMT 2016

On Wednesday 03 February 2016 23:13:24 Lydia Pintscher wrote:
> > I'm asking this because I want to know what I should put into my
> > vision-ometer (a contraption that measures the visionariness) and what
> > (same) text I should compare to any other vision-statement that is
> > proposed.
> I like the concept of the vision-ometer

I like the concept too, because it could tell us "vision text X has 3.7uC and 
17R" (uniCorns and Realisms, respectively -- or make up your own units). But 
I'm not sure it would be easily marketable. Regardless, I will use my own 
private visionometer and measure the two (or more?) documents; I hope I can 
describe the axes along which I measure and the units used once I've read and 
actually considered the texts.

I'm not going to respond in full until friday at the earliest: I think these 
documents deserve mulling over, and I'm not going to react quickly -- no gut 
reactions, that is -- to either.


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