[kde-community] Wikis uneditable

Jos van den Oever jos at vandenoever.info
Tue Feb 2 09:51:38 GMT 2016

On Tuesday 02 February 2016 20:51:40 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Until further notice, all wikis hosted under KDE.org have been
> rendered uneditable by everyone except members of the Identity group
> "web-admins".
> Unfortunately it seems bots (or a human sweatshop) have completely
> automated the login (via OpenID/Identity none the less) and abusive
> editing of many of our wikis.

What user accounts are being used? Could we put a system in place where new 
users need to be moderated for the first handful of posts?

> This appears to be an issue being experienced by other Mediawiki
> installations elsewhere as well.
> At some point we may reinvestigate restoring editing rights to a more
> limited number of users, but until then our wikis will remain closed
> to editing.
> If necessary, we may need to consider migration to alternative Wiki
> software.

You could add the moderation plugin.


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