[kde-community] KGpg

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at kde.org
Sun Aug 30 16:02:01 BST 2015

Which aspects of KGpg are nicer to use? Could those same changes come
to Kleopatra possibly? or is this another Parley vs KWordquiz and we
should do our best to keep both around?

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Sune Vuorela <nospam at vuorela.dk> wrote:
> On 2015-08-30, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at kde.org> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I may have found another candidate for unmaintained. KGpg is a ui for
>> gnupg. I've never used it, but have used kleopatra. Anyway, here's my
>> reasoning. Please fix any false assumptions I may have made if you
>> know kgpg or kleopatra better than I:
>> 1. KGpg does gnupg. Kleopatra also does, but is maintained.
>> 2. KGpg has not been ported to Qt5/kf5, Kleopatra has.
>> 3. KGpg isn't part of kdepim nor is it maintained by the PIM team, Kleopatra is.
>> Is there anything that KGpg does that Kleopatra doesn't/can't do? Or
>> is there any reason to port KGpg to Qt5/kf5 and keep releasing it?
> I personally prefer the kgpg ui to the kleopatra ui for gpg key
> management.
> /Sune
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