[kde-community] Incubating project

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Mon Jul 27 18:27:04 BST 2015

Following up on this, I'd love to have us do a bit of promo about the 
succesful incubation of projects -- we've got quite a few, wikifm, 
kdenlive, gcompris, tupi and probably more that I'm not too aware of. An 
article on the dot with some quotes from maintainers would be pretty cool.

On Mon, 27 Jul 2015, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Kevin Ottens <ervin at kde.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On Monday 30 December 2013 13:37:43 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
>>> I'm pleased to announce the KDE Incubator is incubating a project
>>> WikiFM as described here:
>>> http://community.kde.org/Incubator/Projects/WikiFM .
>>> Though the incubation process is still a work in progress we thought
>>> we'd kick start it with a real project and change the process as
>>> needed with feedback from this project's members.
>>> I expect we'll see more projects in the KDE incubator as time goes on,
>>> for now let's give a warm KDE welcome to the WikiFM project.
>> Great to see that become reality! Thanks a lot Jeremy. It's a great xmas
>> present. :-)
>> From my notes, you might want to contact the people behind agoravoting.com
>> they were toying with the idea too and I think it was the most mature of the
>> list.
>> Cheers.
>> --
>> Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
> Thank you to those helped incubate WikiFM. This morning, we had a BoF
> about WikiFM, following up Riccardo's talks. Lots of enthusiasm, and
> ideas. A rename of the project will happen soon, to be more
> descriptive of the value of this initiative.
> There is a mail list set up:
> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/wikifm including the "old"
> archives.
> Website work remains, and then promo will be needed. The BoF session
> notes are at https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/wikifm/2015-July/000014.html
> All the best,
> Valorie
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