[kde-community] KDE/Linux-able netbook

Helio Chissini de Castro heliocastro at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 18:46:18 BST 2014

Suggest to test a live distro on the computer above with KDE. No need to
buy a new piece if everything works and the distro probably will offer an
install option.
On Sep 13, 2014 12:02 PM, "Carl Symons" <carlsymons at gmail.com> wrote:

> David Weinberger is one of the authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto.
> Influential techie.
> Earlier today, he tweeted:
> Just spent 3 of my first 5 hours with my new Windows computer removing
> redirect malware. It was 1/3 price of a Mac. Worth it? Hmmm.
> I replied:
> @dweinberger Just spent ~1 hour installing Linux + KDE on my new Windows
> computer. Biggest hassle: dealing w/MSFT security stuff
> Half an hour later, he tweeted:
> Suggestions for a linux-able netbook? Cheap, great battery life, 500gb HDD
> (or user-upgradable). Wimpy CPU/GPU is fine.
> Suggestions?
> Thank you
> Carl
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