[kde-community] Fundraising

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Jul 21 13:33:02 BST 2014

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:50:04 Mario Fux wrote:
> Oh and I like very much the idea of Boud to add right most (RTL: left-most) 
> this "Donate to/sponser KDE" action/button to the tool bar of most of our
> apps.

That's a no-go from my side (and likely from most app developers' sides as 
well). It's a function rarely used which clutters the default user interface 
immensely. It's too much in-your-face, and to me comes over almost as ransom-
ware, i.e. pretty desperate.

A more prominent donate link/option/thing is completely fine to me, but not at 
the cost of the user experience. Making this trade-off would defeat the 
purpose of the exercise, donations are meant to make the software better, not 


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