[kde-community] Fundraising

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Thu Jul 10 21:20:26 BST 2014

El Dijous, 10 de juliol de 2014, a les 18:08:42, John Layt va escriure:
> The simplest would be to add a "Donate to KDE..." item in the Help
> menu which would pop-up the donate dialog, which would display the
> latest campaigns.  This is quick and easy and highly unlikely to annoy
> users or distros or app authors, but would still be easy for them to
> turn off if it did.  However, it doesn't put the new campaigns under
> the users immediate attention.

We were very close to do this at some stages in the past, never seemed to 
reach any agreement, i was close to approve by myself, but then i don't 
remember what happened and it got lost.

This should be pretty easy to add to KF5 and a good way to go forward.


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