[kde-community] Proposal One: KDE (Core) Apps and Suites

Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet at gmail.com
Sat May 3 10:50:45 BST 2014

On Saturday 03 May 2014 09:58:14 Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi Jos,
> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvliet at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> ...
> > So, I thought to get rid of the X month schedule that apps have to fit
> > into + separate releases for apps that don't want it. Especially now we
> > have Frameworks AND applications AND Plasma AND Calligra AND amarok, AND
> > bugfix releases, the current process results in multiple releases per
> > month and a lot of work and boilerplate to be copied over (esp for
> > bugfixes).
> Could you just please leave Amarok out of your examples? It makes no
> sense as Amarok was never released with KDE, and it is highly unlikely
> it ever will, and you are only adding confusion. So please, use
> examples that make sense, e.g the software projects that were/are part
> of the KDE SC release.

Just curious - why would Amarok never be released by the KDE release team?

Note that I propose to dump the SC and all that - I just propose that the 
release team takes care of all releases, syncing them monthly, just to 
simplify the work done for releasing. There is no connection other than that.

> Just my 2 cts.

Well, my idea might make no sense anyway, I'm just looking for a way to 
express that Kpotatoguy is no more related to Kanagram than Amarok is. 
Kanagram and Kpotatoguy benefit from the release team doing the release work, 
but Amarok not - why not level the playing field, simplify things?

> Regards, Myriam

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