D7187: RFC: Make ECMAddTests respect BUILD_TESTING

Kevin Funk noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Aug 7 14:44:27 UTC 2017

kfunk added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D7187#133358, @elvisangelaccio wrote:
  > In `ecm_mark_as_test` (which is used in `ecm_add_test`) we already disable the target if `BUILD_TESTING` is false, why is that not enough?
  Good question. I didn't explain that in the commit message:
  `ecm_add_test` also invokes `target_link_libraries(...)` which may pull in additionally dependencies if `BUILD_TESTING=ON`.
    ecm_add_test(test_svnrecursiveadd.cpp LINK_LIBRARIES
        Qt5::Test Qt5::Gui
  - If `BUILD_TESTING=OFF` & without this patch: We still need Qt5::Test around.
  - If `BUILD_TESTING=OFF` & with this patch: We no longer need Qt5::Test at all.
  This patch actually makes it pretty easy to get rid off the Qt5::Test dependency in a whole KDE project without touching lots of CMake code.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: kfunk
Cc: elvisangelaccio, asturmlechner, apol, #frameworks, #build_system
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