
Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at
Mon Apr 17 17:14:01 UTC 2017

Allen Winter ha scritto:
> Howdy,
> I discovered that kdelibs4support and kdoctools have a FindDocBookXML4.cmake.
> The diff looks like the following.  Can we unify and move into ECM?

I think I asked the question long time ago and the answer was that the use was
not so general to justify a move to ECM.

> I guess the only real question is which minimum version is required to make both happy?

> <      set(DocBookXML_FIND_VERSION "4.2")
> ---
>>      set(DocBookXML_FIND_VERSION "4.5")

Not the same, the versions are different on purpose and should stay are they
are (KDocTools version is 4.5; 4.2 is the compatibility version used by
kdelibs4 documentation, so to ease the migration.


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