Policy for what gets into extra-cmake-modules/find-modules?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Sun Jan 5 16:09:20 UTC 2014


what decides about what gets added to extra-cmake-modules/find-modules and 
thus installed?

I would need FindSharedMimeInfo.cmake, but that currently is only in 

For now kcoreaddons has a copy of FindSharedMimeInfo.cmake, and kdepimlibs got 
a copy as well. There are some more repos which use it, but have not yet been 
ported or possibly just copied it.

And I now would want to avoid to copy it for Okteta as well (used for 
installing mimetype definitions for exotic data files).

So was all moved to attics to find out what is actually needed? :) In that 
case we found a used one.
Where would the policy be best documented? In the README in the attic folder, 
and in the porting wiki, either 
http://techbase.kde.org/Development/ECM_SourceIncompatChanges or 
http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Porting_Notes ?


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