KDEInstallDirs variables

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 15:03:16 UTC 2014

Stephen Kelly wrote:

> * The 'deprecated' variables are still used by kcoreaddons. I didn't check
> other frameworks. Are other frameworks ported to the new variables? Why is
> there no run-time message to port from old to new? Is there a migration
> path or even a migration need?

So, I see you made a commit which makes the 'standard' form 'KDE_*'. There 
are now two levels of deprecation. 

Remember (I'm not certain if this is clear): There are two interfaces to 
consider. One is the cmake code using ECM, the other is the command line 
interface people (and packagers) use when they invoke cmake.

* Is this change discoverable? How?

* Were the kde CMAKE_ variants ever used? Would it make more sense to just 
remove them?

* What do packagers use? How do they know to update their scripts?

* Are the new variables used by frameworks? I mentioned a few times that all 
frameworks (including kcoreaddons) use old variables, and I asked what the 
value of deprecating them was without porting frameworks. I don't think that 
was addressed.

* Is it possible to use the new variables? kcoreaddons cmake fails with the 

* Are you done, or is there more to do on this 'story'/'unit of work'.



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