KDE-buildsystem-basics package ?

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 23:05:28 UTC 2012

Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> Beside that, none of the stuff in
> FindKDE4Internal.cmake/KDE4Macros.cmake/KDE4Defaults.cmake is actually
> _necessary_ to build software.
> It "only" does two things:
> * it makes developing for "KDE" more convenient, e.g. it presets RPATH
> settings, so developers have to care less
> * it helps with consistency among stuff which uses them, like e.g. the
> install directories

In that case I wonder if some of this stuff wouldn't make sense as something 
which belongs 'on top of' KDE frameworks, so that KDE application developers 
get the convenience, but that convenience is not entirely there (or 
necessary, maybe) for frameworks. Or maybe this stuff belongs 'somewhere' in 
KDE frameworks, but not necessarily in 'tier 0' which everything else 
depends on.

Could it even be optional and not used if not found?

> On Friday 20 January 2012, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > 
>> > any comments ?
>> > IOW: this is about introducing a small package which everything in KDE
>> > frameworks would depend on.
>> I see the problem, but I'm not a big fan of the proposed solution.
>> > On Saturday 14 January 2012, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >> 
>> >> we have more or less the following groups of stuff in
>> >> FindKDE4Internals.cmake, KDE4Macros.cmake and KDE4Defaults.cmake:
>> >> 
>> >> Settings/switches/options:
>> >> * the install dirs [1]
>> >> 
>> >> > [1] I posted an email about our install dir issue to the cmake-
>> developers
>> > list:
>> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.programming.tools.cmake.devel/2595
>> > Brad explained that GNUInstallDirs.cmake is explicitely implementing
>> > the install dirs compatible to autotools, so it is meant for projects
>> > coming from there. Since this is not what we have in KDE, we do not
>> > necessarily have to use it. So basically he also recommends to have a
>> > separate solution for KDE for this. I agree with him on this.
>> The GNU equivalent lives in CMake. Could the KDE equivalent live in ECM
>> sensibly? Couldn't a 3rd party follow the KDE framework conventions while
>> not depending on an KDE libraries (eg Grantlee, or anything in
>> kdesupport).
> Well, by following the KDE conventions it would depend on something
> provided by KDE, not a library, but the package provided by KDE which
> contains those settings. It would be a build-time dependency to KDE.
>> >> * the cmake policy settings
>> Any reason this needs to be global for all frameworks?
> E.g. so that all macros und functions provided right now in
> KDE4Macros.cmake work as expected. E.g. the duplicate target names. Or to
> silence warnings if new policies are introduced, because KDE developers
> would think something has been broken. Or to enable the OLD behaviour, so
> that stuff they did before stays the recommended way to do it.
> The average developer doesn't know about CMake policies, so we should
> preset them to what we consider sensible (or necessary in some cases).

Is KF5 a good time to drop the old policies and start fresh? And accept the 
policies defined by:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8)


I'm not familiar with the duplicate target names issue you mentioned.

>> >> * typical settings, like KDE4_BUILD_TESTS
>> Looks like something that could go into CMake.
> I don't think so.
> This is just a cmake option to be used to put around the directories where
> the tests reside. All it does is providing a common name for this option:
> option(FOO ...)
> if(FOO)
>   add_subdirectory(tests)
> endif()

looks like it's already in CMake?


>> This isn't very different to other compiler and linker flags.
>> >> * RPATH settings
>> Also just a special case of linker flags? Or does this do something more?
> Well, it sets the cmake RPATH related settings.
> The default is empty install RPATH. Everything else is project-specific,
> as our settings are KDE specific.

It's not enough to do this?:


>> >> * compiler and linker flags
>> I'm not sure how to handle this. I think it can sensibly be in ECM for
>> the same reason as the install dirs (conforming to the KDE norms without
>> depending on anything specifically KDE). Some compiler flags (and Qt
>> flags like QT_STRICT_ITERATORS)are just sensible, and if building
>> sensible software based on Qt they should be used.
>> I know you disagree.
> Well, I'd replace "... they should be used." with "...we think they should
> be used."

Yes, where 'we' could mean 'the ecm developers, who through experience with 
building KDE have experience with these flags'.

>> >> , kde4_add_unit_test, kde4_add_executable
>> I don't know. I'd be interested to see what they look like after removing
>> the automoc stuff and seeing what's left and if refactoring is in order.
> kde4_add_unit_test() does not depend on anything, it is mostly just
> convenience. 

Is the convenience that

add_executable(testname ${testname_SRCS})
add_test(testname testname)

is reduced to one line? Is that something for ecm?

>> I don't see why it would need to be in a directory. It can just be a few
>> files. Maybe even just one.
> Because the idea of e-c-m is to make stuff, which can be used independent
> from KDE (before this meant "no kdelibs", what does it mean then ?)
> available for non-KDE software.

It might be odd to consider that 'everything except KDE is in scope for 
ECM'. That is, we can add stuff for helping to build Qt or boost or any 
number of other packages, but adding stuff for KDE conventions is off-limits 
for ECM? I guess it could be understandable considering that KDE is capable 
of providing its own stuff. (unless it's not, which is the subject of this 

> Putting the cmake files, which kind of make an application a KDE
> application, there, turns e-c-m into a KDE package.

I think it depends on what KDE stuff is put in there exactly. Does having 
GNUInstallDirs in CMake make CMake a GNU package?

> The KDE stuff which would be in there would not be general purpose, it is
> what we, the KDE developers, consider good for KDE applications and
> libraries.
> So at the very least, I'd put that into a separate directory.

I don't see the value in a separate directory, but if you do, then maybe 
that's one way to solve the problem at hand.

>> >> * an extra package kde-frameworks-buildsystem or something like this
>> Similar to above, that might mean adding a KDE dependency to everything
>> in kdesupport (which have already decided not to have KDE dependencies).
> No, not really.
> What is a "KDE dependency" ? A dependency to anything hosted by KDE ?
> Anything developed by KDE developers ?
> Then e-c-m is also a "KDE dependency".
> If e-c-m is not considered a "KDE dependency", then why should, let's call
> it KDEFrameworksBuildsystem, be considered a "KDE dependency". It would be
> very similar.

Personally I would not call ecm a KDE dependendency because it has a broader 
scope. It has find modules and macros (taking some at random: FindFlac, 
FindPCRE, CheckPointerMember) which have no relation to KDE and which can be 
used by depending on ecm.

If it's going to be possible for 3rd parties to create KDE frameworks tier1 
libraries (is that wanted?), then ECM seems like a reasonable place to 
enable that to some extent.

> Another issue with putting all small things into different places, e.g.
> some macros into e-c-m, some into kcore, some into kdocumentation, etc.,
> is that the macros will all change their name.
> Right now they all have the "KDE4_" prefix, because they come from
> FindKDE4Internal.cmake. And only stuff from that file uses this prefix.

Either a script does




(or whatever macros)

It doesn't really matter to the script, but in kf5, the KDE4_ prefix doesn't 
make much sense.

> If we distribute the macros, some will get the "ECM" prefix, some "KCORE",
> some "KDOC", etc.
> If we expect that the future KDE application developers are aware where
> all the things come from exactly, then maybe it's no problem.

I would expect them to do what I did and copy working stuff from other files 

In saying that, there's nothing preventing us creating a 'Tier 4' umbrella 
package which depends on the libraries that used to make up 'kdelibs' and 
provides macros like:


For *application* developers, there is consistency. 
For *framework* developers and people using those frameworks there is 

I'm just trying to stress the point that even if consistency is not 
introduced at the lowest levels where stuff is introduced, consistency can 
be re-introduced higher in the stack for 'KDE application developers'...

> Or should they all be aliased on a FindKDEFrameworks5.cmake file ? I don't
> think I consider this a good solution.

... Although I guess you don't consider that a good solution.

Why is that? You don't like the difference between KDE frameworks and KDE 
application consistency?

> I'd like to come to a conclusion with this still in January.

I'm sure we can call that a decision deadline. 

We can gather options, and if there's no concensus by the end of January, 
you pick one of them (someone must simply decide eventually) and we stick 
with it and not complain :).

> I think we agree that many/most of the various macros could go into the
> respective library packages.

Ok, lets consider this agreed.

> What is left are all the settings we provide, install dirs, options,
> compiler flags and convenience/consistency macros like
> kde4_add_unit_test(). I think they should go together into one place.

Options as I see them are:

1) ECM provides them. 
* KF5 Frameworks can mostly (entirely?) be expected to depend on ecm anyway
* It provides the single dependency point
* To some extent the stuff (sensible compiler flags, Qt flags) is also 
independent of KDE, but KDE has determined them to be a good thing.
* 3rd parties can still use ECM without using the KDE stuff.
* It would mean ecm contains 'KDE stuff' which may be icky or unwanted.

2) Provide them in a separate package and make all frameworks depend on them
* ECM is KDE-free.
* Package would have KDE in the name
* It would be odd for all frameworks to have to depend on two 'build system 
enhancement' packages.
** 3rd parties wishing to use a single KDE framework would need both.
* Back to the situation of a single point of dependency convergence
** Temptation to put more 'global stuff' in there (dumping ground) would be 

3) Put them in an 'umbrella' package on top of KF5
* Such an umbrella package will likely have to exist anyway to maintain the 
'consistency' for application developers moving from KDE4 to 'KDE5'.
* KDE frameworks are easier to use for non-KDE developers (fewer 
dependencies, using 'standard' add_executable instead of 'alien' 
* The frameworks themselves can't use the KDE buildsystem convenience stuff.
* The frameworks might end up inconsistent with each other for example in 
what variables they choose to do the RPATH handling.



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