[cmake] find_package(KDE4)

Michał Walenciak kicer86 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 07:06:26 UTC 2012

Hi all

I've encountered problem with using kde stuff in my program.
When I simply added find_package(KDE4) it just stopped linking.

I think it's probably related to this post: 

I've two questions:
1. what find_package(KDE4) has changed, so program which was compiling and 
linking successfully stopped linking?
2. why find_package(KDE4) is forcing it's own compiler flags (like additional 
-Wxxx or -O2 in DEBUG build)? I can agree, that ${KDE_xxxx} variables can be 
put around to influence on some compiler flags, but simple "find_package" IMHO 
should not do such things.


Michał Walenciak
gmail.com kicer86
gg: 3729519

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