Building KWin with different define values for multiple targets

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Wed Jun 29 18:02:19 CEST 2011

Hi Buildsystem experts,

I am currently facing an issue with build system changes for KWin where I do not know whether 
what I want to achieve is possible at all and if it is how to implement it.

First some context:
In 4.7 KWin can be built either with OpenGL/GLX or OpenGL ES 2/EGL support. OpenGL ES 2 is 
a subset (and superset) of OpenGL 2. This means we have to ifdef all the OpenGL code not 
available in OpenGL ES. It also means that distros have to build two packages if they want to 
offer kwin with GLES support.

I would like to change this in a way that kwin is built twice, once with OpenGL and once with 
OpenGL ES. I think I need to have the same set of sources used in different targets. Therefore I 
need to change the define values, e.g. when building for OpenGL I don't want to have OpenGL 
ES defined and vice versa.

Is that possible through cmake? I tried with configure_file but did not succeed so far.

Any help would be highly appreciated. Also in case that my idea is completely stupid, please 
correct me :-)

Martin Gräßlin

P.S. I'm not subsribed, please keep me in CC
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