FindMySQLAmarok.cmake and kdelibs FindMySQL.cmake

Michael Jansen info at
Sun Jun 5 22:45:50 CEST 2011


I couldn't get amarok to compile because it found mysql and on compilation 
couldn't link to the mysql embedded lib. I initially thought mysql_config 
would return the wrong path to the lib and started to patch 
FindMySQLAmarok.cmake to verify the results from mysql_config.

To make my life easier i just copied over FindMySQL.cmake from kdelibs. That 
one immediately complained that mysql embedded was not installed. And exactly 
that, even if mysql_config gave the answers needed to compile stuff the lib 
was not installed. I installed the missing part and voila amarok compiled 

I would recommend using the kdelibs cmake file for amarok too because it is 
superior. And it would make maintenance easier. The FindMySQLAmarok file is 
not installed therefore removing it and just doing find_package(MySQL) would 
do the trick.


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