qt_phonon.pri and QMAKESPEC

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Wed Feb 9 22:22:03 CET 2011

On Wednesday 09 February 2011, Yury G. Kudryashov wrote:
> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > Is that what QMAKEPATH is for, i.e. a list of directories where qmake
> > will search ?
> Qt up to 4.7.1 doesn't load QMAKEPATH/mkspecs/features/qt_*.pri
> automatically. If you want qt-4.7.2 to load these files, ask qt guys to
> backport 210726453ff3ca0f16f036683e17097e1b62d458. I don't know what are Qt
> rules for backporting such changes and how to ask them to backport.
> > ...would be cool of Nokia would spend some effort on adding Symbian
> > support to cmake, then Qt could switch to it...
> Offtopic: I'm playing with translating qmake to cmake (mostly to learn
> cmake). What is the cmake way to do what
> qt/tools/linguist/shared/formats.pri does?
> SOURCES += $$PWD/something.cpp
> HEADERS += $$PWD/something.h

I'm not too good with qmake.
Something like


set(srcs ${srcs} something.cpp)
set(headers ${headers} something.h)

and then you probably want to do something with the srcs and headers 
variables, like handing them to moc and add_executable().

Examples for how to use cmake with Qt are e.g. in the cmake wiki:


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