Superbuild & FindQt4.cmake

Valentin Rusu kde at
Mon Aug 15 19:28:41 UTC 2011

Hello Alex,

I'm giving the SuperBuild a try. I'd also like to build the whole KDE in
a fresh new prefix, namely /home/kde.

I cloned Qt in /home/kde/src/qt and built it with the right prefix.
I clone SuperBuild in /home/kde/src/superbuild and looking into it I see
that the first thing these scripts do is:

find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)

Seems that FindQt4.cmake must be located somewhere.

> locate FindQt4.cmake
This command found several copies of this file (though I didn't open
each one to check if it's they share the same contents).

Suppose now I'm starting building KDE in a new box, without
FindQt4.cmake. I won't be able to do it.

I propose that SuperBuild holds a set of a minimum of cmake modules
needed to bootstrap the building environment. Something like a directory
superbuild/cmake/modules holding FindQt4.cmake, for instance.

Any thoughts?


Valentin Rusu (valir)
KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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