What to do with the kdebase/workspace dependency?

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Tue May 18 23:13:44 CEST 2010

On Thursday 13 May 2010, Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > When kdebase/workspace is installed, it installs a Config.cmake file,
> > which contains information about the installed package.
> > This file assumes that processcore is always there, so it adds this
> > imported target.
> > I'd say either kdebase/workspace has to be installed completely, or we
> > have to support installing it in parts.
> > Or we don't use the Config.cmake files anymore, and again use logic to
> > see what is actually existing on the system.
> > The idea with the Config.cmake files is that the installing package knows
> > exactly what will be there once it has been installed and puts that
> > information into this file.
> > Now if packagers afterwards split this into smaller parts, the the
> > Config.cmake file becomes wrong.
> Is there any reason why we can't just use find_library to get a path to
> libprocessui.so?

The idea of the FooConfig.cmake files is that they can provide more detailled 
and correct information with less effort than a find_library() call can do.
E.g. the different debug- and release-build versions of the same library under 
windows, flags for enabled/disabled features, etc.

And, a FindFoo.cmake file (which would have to contain all that logic) is not 
really necessary anymore.

So, yes, it is a nice thing if we can use the Config.cmake-files.


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