help required to compile keedu-4.4.2

lux-integ lux-integ at
Tue Apr 27 11:57:36 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 27 April 2010 09:52:28 am David Faure wrote:

> The name of the binary is missing before --slave.
> add_custom_target(renvvars COMMAND ${R_EXECUTABLE} --slave --
> file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/envvars.r >
> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/renvvars.h )
> So basically the problem is that R_EXECUTABLE is empty.
> ./modules/FindR.cmake:11:FIND_PROGRAM(R_EXECUTABLE R)
> ./modules/FindR.cmake:13:IF(R_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND)
> ./modules/FindR.cmake:15:ENDIF(R_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND)
> No abort on error when not found?

I installed R in /usr/local.  It was not seen by the cmake script shipped with 
kdeedu-4.4.2.    I deleted it and installed R2 in its own directory 
(/usr/local/R-2.10.1)  and   did all the relevant settings in /etc/profile  
so that PATHS  etc were appropriately set.  Thus $R_HOME 
is /usr/local/R-2.10.1.  Now there are two ~/bin directories for R2:-

poet [ ~ ]$ ls /usr/local/R-2.10.1/bin
R  Rscript
poet [ ~ ]$
poet [ ~ ]$
poet [ ~ ]$ ls /usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/bin
BATCH    INSTALL  R       Rcmd    Rdconv  Rprof    SHLIB  Stangle  build  
config  f77_f2c     libtool        pager
COMPILE  LINK     REMOVE  Rd2dvi  Rdiff   Rscript  Sd2Rd  Sweave   check  exec    
javareconf  mkinstalldirs  rtags
poet [ ~ ]$
poet [ ~ ]$

 AND   expecting that cmake would not find it I wrote my own FindR.cmake 
script for it which seems to work.  Here is the relevent output from cmake

-- Found R_HOME:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R
-- FOUND R_INCLUDE_DIR:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/include
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/bin/R
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/bin/Rscript
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/bin/Rscript
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/include/R.h
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/modules/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/modules/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/modules/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/cluster/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/foreign/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/grDevices/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/grid/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/KernSmooth/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/lattice/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/MASS/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/Matrix/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/methods/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/mgcv/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/nlme/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/nnet/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/spatial/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/splines/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/stats/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/survival/libs/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/tools/libs/
-- Found:/usr/lib64/libgfortran.a
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/lib/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/modules/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/include/R_ext/Lapack.h
Yuw should be chuffed matey;  R2 has been compiled wiv LAPAC
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/lib/
-- Found:/usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/include/R_ext/BLAS.h
YIPPIEEEE;  R2 has been compiled with BLAS
-- Found R: /usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R: 
libs: /usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/lib/ 
and /usr/local/R-2.10.1/lib64/R/library/tools/libs/

so could you tell which R executable is missing please?

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