Is there a hook in cmake to test-compile things after an installation?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue Sep 29 01:09:25 CEST 2009


to ensure that example code showing how to use a library is up-to-date (and/or 
the installed headers/libs are okay) I would like to have that code 
automatically test-compiled directly after an installation of the headers/lib 
(as triggered by "make install"). The example code is in files of the same 

Is there some way to do this, or has a similar thing been done already, to 
copy from?

This is especially needed, as the installed header files might end up in other 
relative locations than in the source tree, and example code should of course 
use the path of the installed headers in the #include <path/class.h> 
directives (or the CamelCase variants).

Thanks for any hint
Okteta - KDE 4 Hex Editor -

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