automoc4 corner issues - what lerned from qt-creator port

Helio Chissini de Castro helio at
Wed Mar 25 17:38:46 CET 2009

On Wednesday 25 of March 2009 13:07:07 Matthias Kretz wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 March 2009 19:36:19 Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> > 4 - w.cpp have an internal Q_OBJECT class and includes w.h with other
> > class with Q_OBJECT but have no moc includes.
> Not sure I understand. If the class declaration is in w.cpp but no moc
> included how do you compile a moc file generated from that w.cpp file?
> Because in order to compile the generated moc file you need the class
> declaration, but that's only in w.cpp which you can't include from the
> moc... So what am I missing?

Something like this:
 -------------------- w.cpp ---------------------------------

#include <QObject>
#include "w.h"

class Z : public QObject
    Z() {};


int main()
    W w;
    return 0;


------------------------ w.h --------------------------------
#include <QObject>

class W : public QObject


So, as you see, both header and cpp have no moc includes
automoc4 test, see that aren't any includes, enter in the first situation 
( matchOfset < 0 ) and only test if there is Q_OBJECT on w.h or w_p.h, 
suddenly generating a moc_w.cpp
But since we have a Z class in the cpp with a Q_OBJECT, they should be moc'd 
as well, generating w.moc too. The revised last patch solve this case too 

Helio Chissini de Castro
KDE Developer
Brasil/South America Primary Contact

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