Modular building of kde modules

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Thu Mar 19 00:21:29 CET 2009

Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 March 2009, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Adding fedora-devel ;-).

...and please keep them in the CC list if it involves Fedora :-). (I 
think wondering about how rpm's are built qualifies.)

> Not sure about the way how RPM's are built.
> At leats in theory you could just set up multiple build dirs, one for each 
> subproject and build there.

That would be the best solution if, for some reason, splitting at the 
installed-file level doesn't work. (Of course, splitting at the 
installed-file level had probably *better* work or you probably have 
rpm's with conflicts :-).)

> Or you could do
> $ svn co --non-recursive kdeutils
> $ cd kdeutils
> $ svn co cmake
> $ svn co kcalc
> $ cmake and make

RPM's are built from a source tarball; building from VCS sources is 
discouraged (though permitted when there are valid reasons to do so). 
Having an rpmbuild do a VCS checkout to obtain the sources is probably 
forbidden (as in, I haven't actually checked, but I'd be surprised if it 

>> Plus it means you must split *every* subdir into its own
>> RPM, which probably isn't ideal.
> No, there is no "must".

Hmm... well, you'd have a harder time creating the source tarball.

> And some packagers want it that way, every app and every library its own 
> package.

True :-).

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