
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jun 17 23:49:15 CEST 2009

On 17.06.09 22:33:06, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > What I'm actually not 100% sure about at this point, if target kdevgit-test
> > links against kdevplatformtestshell, which has kdevplatformshell as
> > link-interface-lib then does it also automatically get
> > kdevplatforminterfaces because kdevplatformshell has that in its own
> > link-interface-lib? In other words, are link-interface-libs "forwarded" in
> > this sense?
> I think they aren't.
> But to make sure a small test case would help.

Attached, Andreas can you try that with gold?

The output from make VERBOSE=1 for the executable is:
Linking C executable app
cd /home/andreas/temp/testcmake_link_interface/build/executable &&
/usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/app.dir/link.txt
/usr/bin/gcc    -fPIC CMakeFiles/app.dir/main.o  -o app -rdynamic
../baz/libbaz.so ../bar/libbar.so ../foo/libfoo.so

So it seems like cmake does add all libs to the link line here. So
either there's some lib missing in the link interface in
kdevelop/kdevplatform or something else is going wrong with the gold


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