[PATCH] Making Soprano optional (again) in kdelibs

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Tue Dec 22 21:32:29 CET 2009


On Tuesday 22 December 2009, Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> Hi
> Looking at current state of requirements regarding Nepomuk libs in KDE
> SC (trunk), apart from kdebase/runtime/nepomuk obviously, only
> kdepim/akonadiconsole seems to have hard dependency on Nepomuk
> libraries. Dependency which cannot be made optional easily as it's
> been put in .ui file - browserwidget_contentview.ui (otherwise source
> code is NEPOMUK_FOUND aware). Apart from that Nepomuk optionality is
> provided.

thanks a lot for taking care of this.

> Now, in kdelibs there's a little inconsistency with Nepomuk related
> CMake options logic:
> - Soprano is always required
> - SDO is optional
> - Nepomuk libs are built when both Soprano (with all needed backends
> and parsers) and SDO are found
> If SDO is optional then there's no need to force to Soprano required,
> and if Soprano is required then there's no need to guard
> add_directory(nepomuk) with Soprano_FOUND and thus whether to build
> Nepomuk libs only depends on SDO presence,....but only when Soprano is
> found...
> Proposals (patch):
> - find_library(Soprano) -> macro_optional_find_library(Soprano)
> keeping Soprano backend checks (so only Soprano with all needed
> backends is accepted)

I don't knowfor which parts soprano is required (except nepomuk), so I can't 

> - other minor changes in FindNepomuk.cmake:
> * set "url" in macro_log_feature of Soprano to kdesupport (now empty)
> * accidental trailing spaces removals

What do you suggest for the dependency in kdepim ?
This is a real bug right now.

> Other proposal - to make SDO mandatory (a'ka consistency uber alles)

(ignoring the "uber alles" part...)

Actually I'd almost suggest make all that manadatory (soprano, SDO 0.2, 
nepomuk), and if people scream, at least we maybe finally get to some real 
solution. Right now it is just broken if nepomuk is optional but a hard 
requirement in kdepim.
Or just ask for a comment on release-team at kde.org ?
Problem is, the last times I asked we didn't come to a real conclusion, there 
were not too many people who answered...


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